Do you know how to change your tape extensions?

Currently on the market, there are a variety of CNC controllers available. They all accomplish a similar task, but the input files can vary.

Here’s how to change your tape extensions:

  1. Start by opening your post processor in Quest;
  2. In the navigator panel, go to General Description > Output Format;
  3. In the general tab, you can change Question 9.10 to be any extension you require. By default, a “.tap” will be generated.

Note: You do not need to put the decimal. Quest will automatically add the decimal before the extension.

Below is a list of some common controller and their g-code extensions:

  • Fanuc: *.tap
  • Haas: *.NCC | *.txt | *.tap
  • Heidenhein: *.tap | *.i
  • Mazatrol fusion: *.nc
  • Siemens: *.mpf

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